Our new sponsorship program is live!

At AIAIAI, we are extending our commitment to the music community by launching a sponsorship program, through which individuals, collectives, and organizations can apply to receive support in the form of funding or product. This program builds on our many years of centering creators in our work, through ongoing access to tools and opportunities. With this program, we further enable creators to simply make music by removing barriers that are found when trying to access resources.

Our sponsorship program is designed for individuals seeking support for their music creation journey, or projects with a mission to facilitate music inspiration or education. Artists, music creators, event producers, educational institutions, or other music-related projects can apply through our online portal. Thereafter, applications are carefully reviewed by our staff, and granted if they are found to be aligned with our mission and criteria for the project.

Since our inception, we have prioritized empowering creators in order to bolster the health of the community. This includes equipping thousands of DJs, producers, writers, singers, music schools, and grassroots communities with free headphones and studio monitors, in an effort to increase access to professional audio equipment and remove barriers in the creative process for music makers of all levels. We have also funded initiatives like global contests for music makers and DJs, enabling winners to receive one-on-one feedback from professionals in their field, play sought-after DJ slots, and get a leg up on their creative journey.

More details here: link

Posted on Jun 20, 2024 in Community

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